Christopher LongPostdoctoral
Researcher |
Selia ZimmermannDoctorate of Philosophy
Student |
Gabrielle LoveDoctorate of Philosophy Student
Lillian SelfMaster of Science
Student |
Jirani WelchMaster of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Student
Eric LouwerensMaster of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Student
William Patrone — Will joined the lab in 2022 as an undergraduate volunteer looking to gain additional R coding experience. Will led the collection, collation, and summarization of shark vertical distributions contributing to a 2024 publication before graduating in 2022 from the University of Florida with a B.S. Will has since started his graduate studies at the University of Washington.
Shelbie Ishimaru — Shelbie joined the lab remotely from University of California Davis in late 2021 as part of completing her undergraduate thesis research with collaborators at the NOAA PIFSC Marine Turtle Biology and Assessment Program. Shelbie graduated from UC Davis in 2022 and continued on with the lab as a research technician working on data management, integration, and analysis for the Lalo green sea turtle monitoring program in the NW Hawaiian Islands by NOAA PIFSC MTBAP. Shelbie left to join NOAA PIFSC MTBAP as a technician monitoring the Lalo green sea turtle population and then onto her graduate studies at the University of Hawaii.
Katherine Loesser — Katie joined the lab in 2019 as an undergraduate research technician working on a University of Florida Biodiversity Institute Faculty Seed Grant titled "Integrating biodiversity informatics and dimensions of shark biodiversity in the pelagic realm." Katie was an integral team member in the collation of shark functional traits and led the collection of shark dental photogrammetry. Katie turned her hard work into an undergraduate honor's thesis before graduating. Katie graduated with a B.S. from University of Florida in 2021 before going to Louisiana State University for her M.S. graduate studies in Mike Polito's lab. Katie is now working with the NOAA RESTORE program.